September 11, 2011

KORG MR-2 Review Sample sound. KORG MR-2の音質比較:フィールドレコーディング機材レビュー

By Japan Premier Sound

フィールドレコーディング機材としては、バッテリーに泣かされたKORG MR-1から電池対応への変更がうれしいです。HDDからSDカードになり、より軽量になってます。付属のウィンドスクリーンはありませんが、Zoom H2のウィンドスクリーンがピッタリです。

As a field recording equipment, KORG MR-1 had a problem with the internal battery. KORG MR-2 is good that changing to use AA battery x 2. In addition, changes to the SD card from HDD, it is become more lightweight. There is no accessory windscreen, but Zoom H2's windscreen size is just fit.

KORG MR-2 仕様 / Specification
KORG MR-2 取扱説明書 / Manual(PDF)
KORG MR-2 価格 39,800 yen / $699 $499

Stream, KORG MR-2(Demo) 小さな流れとセミ 2011-09-10 Kanagawa, Japan

Recorder: KORG MR-2(Convert from DSD to PCM 96kHz24Bit) >>> Download
Recorder: Earthworks SR30 + Roland R-44(96kHz24Bit) *1*2
Recorder: Sony PCM-D50(96kHz24Bit)
Recorder: Zoom H4n(96kHz24Bit)
Recorder: Audio Technica BP4025 + Roland R-44(96kHz24Bit)
>>> Spectrogram display スペクトル表示

Stream, KORG MR-2(Demo) DSDIFF >>> Download(14.2MB) *3

Bird, KORG MR​​-​​2​​(​​Demo) 野鳥 2011-09-10 Kanagawa, Japan

Recorder: KORG MR-2(Convert from DSD to PCM 96kHz24Bit) >>> Download
Recorder: Earthworks SR30 + Roland R-44(96kHz24Bit) *1*2
Recorder: Sony PCM-D50(96kHz24Bit)
Recorder: Zoom H4n(96kHz24Bit)
Recorder: Audio Technica BP4025 + Roland R-44(96kHz24Bit)

Bird, KORG MR​​-​​2​​(​​Demo) DSDIFF >>> Download(14MB) *3

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*1 ORTF Stereo: The spacing of the microphones emulates the distance between the human ears, and the angle between the two directional microphones emulates the shadow effect of the human head. by DPA Microphones

*2 Modified ORTF/NOS Recording Technique by SonicFields AudioRecording

*3 AudioGate can playback DSDIFF files. >>> Downloadダウンロード

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  1. I think its a good test for the internal microphones. Using the same low noise <14 dBA or better external mic with the different recorders would also give some additional value if used in a quiet location. A real test would be to use a dynamic mic to gain some idea of the recorders pre-amplifier noise. The MR2 preamps are vastly improved compared to the MR1, battery and SD card are a great improvement. The ability to continuously record past the 4GB file size limit would be welcome for the MR2 I've not tested if it stops at 4GB yet but assume so based on the manual's 6 hours max record time.

    1. don't believe mr2 amplifiers are improved above mr1. it's good in mr1 too. not bader than others. it's only question how You handle gain. You can get good results p.e. with a Sennheiser md 441 in mr1. the line ins of mr1 surely are the best ever made in the market: symmetric 3,5 mono ins and a very good ad converter, where You will get it today? with a professional field mixer mr1 was the best of all small recording machines, yes it was.

  2. Sorry the 4 GB limit I mentioned above is perhaps only valid for PCM? The MR2 creates many 1 GB DSD files at 25 Minutes, 23 seconds each. For Sony Stamina "3" Alkaline batteries the MR2 recorded DSD continuously for 2 hours 41 Minutes filling the remaining 6GB space on the SD Card. Eneloop extreme X / Pro will give longer record times. Im pleased the limit is not based on individual file size for DSD. During the recording the MR2 became warm.

  3. It is a wonderful blog. The specifications, test with the best recorders. I put your blog in my sound web list. Thanks for create this webspace. Thanks!!!

  4. mr2 has astounding sound quality.
